New Year, New Blog?

I know it is the end of the month - conveniently it is my sister's birthday, meaning I can drown my uni stress in a cake and other crap later - but I have been working hard on one of my New Years Resolutions and that is to keep an updated blog! (She says).
If you've been here for a while (hello), you would know I used to have a blog like this, but I am now revamping it.
So here's what's happening...

The kind of posts I want to do are going to be book, reading and writing-related  - obviously, but I am also going to create a section on lifestyle and my general life for those of you who are interested! So, this could range from me posting outfit pics and talking complaining about how much uni work I have, what I have eaten or a cool cafe I have been to. I will also be giving you guys a look into behind the scenes of what I am doing when I write such as the planning I do, how I write etc! I am also going to be bringing back my monthly wrap-ups and my monthly tbr's!!

I am actually really excited about this - like I want to jump, sing, I am so excited!
I will also be creating a new, blogger-style Instagram for this blog soon, so stay tuned for that. I am not a cool blogger tho.

I hope you guys stick around,
